3 years ago#4 Lucifer: ''Together 2016'' Ceremony 08/28/16 (SS) by Pastor Charles LawsonPreachTheGospel
3 years agoThe Vatican and E.T. #10, The Toll of Evolution by Pastor Charles Lawson 07/26/15 (SS)PreachTheGospel
3 years agoTurning From The Light by Pastor Charles Lawson (03/04/2018 Sunday School ARCHIVE)PreachTheGospel
3 years agoThwarting Satan's Machinations by Pastor Charles Lawson (03/15/2020 Sunday School)PreachTheGospel
3 years agoMaking Connections I: "The god of Forces" by Pastor Charles Lawson (06/25/2017 Sunday Sch Archive)PreachTheGospel
3 years ago#4- Cathedrals of France: Chartres Cathedral by Pastor Charles Lawson 03/13/16 (SS)PreachTheGospel
3 years agoTo Believe A Lie UFOs by Pastor Charles Lawson 03/02/2014 Pm (Most Downloaded Sermon)PreachTheGospel
3 years agoTrifecta of Death Science by Pastor Charles Lawson (Sunday Morning 07/26/2020)PreachTheGospel
3 years agoGreat Deception Is Settling In by Pastor Charles Lawson 09132015 Sun Am (Top Video Downloads)PreachTheGospel
3 years ago#1 Lucifer: The Basis of Satanic Deception 08/07/16 (SS) by Pastor Charles LawsonPreachTheGospel
3 years agoThe Vatican and E.T. #17, Emerging Patterns by Pastor Charles Lawson 09/13/15 (SS)PreachTheGospel
3 years agoThe Vatican and E.T. #14, Pope Paving the Way for the Great Deception: Charles Lawson 08/23/15 (SS)PreachTheGospel
3 years agoThe Vatican and ET, #6: Preparing The Way Of The Future by Pastor Charles Lawson 06/21/15 (SS)PreachTheGospel