Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "I'm from Austin, Texas. I Was Searching Online for a Mentorship Program...I Came to the Conference & Was Absolutely Overwhelmed! It's Like An Interesting Combination of Comedy & Content."
CONNECT THE DOTS | Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Yuval Noah Harari - Clay Clark; China, US Infrastructure, Cyber Attack, World Economic Forum - Joe Wakile | FOC Show
Dr. Simone Gold | Why Are Yuval Noah Harari, Ray Kurzweil & Klaus Schwab Obsessed with Connecting Your Neocortex to the Internet? mRNA, CRISPR, Nanobots, Gene-Editing, Transhumanism & More
Artificial Intelligence | "People Will LITERALLY BE PART OF A NETWORK. All the Brains Would Be Connected Together. Your Own Immune System Depends On Being Constantly Connected to the Network." - Yuval Noah Harari