5 years agoReview of Bible Study Replay Matthew 21:23-45, 22:1-14, Jeremiah-LamentationsMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years agoMatthew 22:23-46 Resurrection, Greatest Commandment, & Jesus Christ; both Lord and SonMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years agoMatthew 20 1-28 Vineyard workers, 3rd Time Jesus, A Mother's RequestMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years agoMatthew 16:21-28, 17:1-20 Jesus suffering, transfiguration &healing a boy with a demonMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years agoMeal Day?! Rice tacos! Replay: Matt 16:21-28&17:1-20, Spirit happenings, 3 of 12, Eyes that SeeMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years agoMatthew 17:24-27,18:1-11 Evil of Money& Authority, Blockers, Kingdom HoldersMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years ago2Enoch Level3 of Heaven, Replay Matthew17:24-27,18:1-11, & Birth of Holy GhostMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years agoReplay of Word received, Past i the Present?!? Exciting times to be alive!!!Marie Speaks G-D's Grace
4 years agoYoutube Hates this message must be awesome Message of Hope & Healing, Next ChaptersMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years agoElyon Online - Opening 104 Lucky luminous Gold box. Let see what the {R.N.G} is like.😓🤬darkangel41
5 years agoJeremiah Warns, Replay Matthew 15:10-28 Unclean hearts?Woman of Faith, examples of WisdomMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years agoHoly Spirit Prep, Matt 15:29-39 Replay, Gifts of Holy Ghost Teaching, Proper Church ServiceMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years agoJesus walks on Water & Praying in the Spirit & A People God Rejected Replay Matthew 14:22-33Marie Speaks G-D's Grace
5 years agoMatthew 14:34-36 Jesus heals the Sick at Gennesaret &Matthew 15:1-9 Teaching of Ancestors LiveMarie Speaks G-D's Grace