The Western media's coverage overlooks the US's role in the 2014 coup, Eastern Ukraine's referendums, and the War in Donbas, which culminated in Russia's 2022 invasion.
NASA's WAR ON HUMANITY PLANS - Future Strategic Issues [Circa 2025] Capabilities of the “Enemy ... Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025] ... Bill Stryker of DIA/Futures as the Future Threat for Global War Games - Links Below
Dr. McCullough speaks with colleagues in India about the latest developments with COVID. Omicron syndrome is generally very mild and resolves on it's own.
The violent overthrow of Ukraine's elected government caused the Russian-speaking populations of Eastern Ukraine to vote to break apart from the newly formed western-backed government in Ukraine.
I was getting furious listening to this insane "Vaccine" song but then I realized that it's so bad that it will actually help the cause. #CovidCULT #Stupidity