The Corporate Globalist Crime Syndicate Are Preparing a MONSTER WAR in Khazaria, AKA "Ukraine" - Australia will Send 41 Retired RAAF F-18 Hornet Fighter Jets to Ukraine
Global ‘Elites’ Crime Syndicate Goading U.S. Citizens Into Violence Against Transsexuals -- The official story of the Nashville shooting does not add up
The REAL Totalitarian Globalist NWO Crime Syndicate Profiteering Privateer Servant Bill Gates Orders CORPORATE Govt's To Blacklist CORPORATE Citizens Who Share 'Non-Mainstream' PROPAGANDA Content Online
[With Subtitles] Why DARPA's MANTA RAY submersible is a nightmare for enemy subs -- Globalist Crime Syndicate Northrop Grumman Manta Ray Drone Sub Waits On The Ocean Floor
Why the Globalist Crime Syndicate are the Real Inventors & Designers of Bitcoin and Crypto Currency, and Satoshi Nakamoto = a Deflecting SmokeScreen [Closed Captions]
FORECLOSURE DENIED: Montgomery vs Daly, and the Credit River Decision - Defeating the Globalist Crime Syndicate on Their Own Turf Can Be A Perilous Undertaking