2 years ago2021: CNN Don Lemon says unvaccinated should not be able to go to grocery storeCorona Tyranny
2 years agoJuly 2021: CDC more than 300 kids have died from the Covid vaccine since March 2020Corona Tyranny
2 years ago2022: Ugur Sahin from Biontech wants to sell 3 doses of the Covid vaccine for the Omicron variantCorona Tyranny
2 years ago2021: DeSantis claims the vaccines work and there is zero chance to get sick for fully vaxxedCorona Tyranny
2 years ago2021, 2022: Video comp. of people passing out after the worldwide vaccination program was rolled outCorona Tyranny
2 years agoArnold Schwarzenegger is a true communist, telling anti vaxxers: "Screw your freedom".Corona Tyranny
2 years ago2022: Covid vaccines contaminated with aluminum nanoparticles, which might get into the brainCorona Tyranny
2 years ago2021: Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi explaining the mRNA vaccines and what can go wrongCorona Tyranny