4 years ago40 Matthew 7 - Pastor Ken Zenk - Bible StudiesChrist Chapel The Harvest - Pastor Ken Zenk - JesusTVnow.com
1 year agoActs 5 Study, reading and Discussion-Ananias' & Sapphira's' Punishment for Lying/EvangelismCampbellfamily07
1 year agoActs 1:13-2:8- Study Days 40-49: Preparation for Pentecost, and Day 50 PentecostCampbellfamily07
1 year agoThe Bible: Day 26- “Why Does God Allow Suffering” (Psalm 16, Matthew 18:10-35, & Job 1-3:26)Campbellfamily07
3 years ago61 2 Peter 2 - Pastor Ken Zenk - Bible StudiesChrist Chapel The Harvest - Pastor Ken Zenk - JesusTVnow.com
4 years ago40 Matthew 6 - Pastor Ken Zenk -- Bible StudiesChrist Chapel The Harvest - Pastor Ken Zenk - JesusTVnow.com
1 year agoSITTING AT JESUS' FEET (Luke 10:38-42), Martha & Mary, The Sisters of Lazarus ...Campbellfamily07
1 year agoNo Quarrelsome (2 Timothy 2:20-26), & Wisdom of Choice (Luke 7:33-35)- "Be Patient..."Campbellfamily07
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