Happy S🌞N Day of Worship! | Desperate Lower Astral Entities Hijacking Desperate-Vibration Humans Especially at This Time! (Demons) — Peter Sapper, "The Chosen 144".
Sacha Stone’s “Digital Workshop” Live on Patriot Streetfighter | All “Christians” are Catholic—Victims of The Council of Nicaea, and Which Exercise Annunaki/Reptilian Will, Whether or Not Realized; While Very Realized to The Vatican.
Toxic Positivity Vs. REAL Positivity (Denial/Shadow Vs. Acceptance/Ascension): THE RIGHT WAY to Handle That Which You Don’t Like! — Wendy Kennedy | WE in 5D: Applying This Will Help w/ How You Vibrationally Respond to Videos You Dislike on My Channel.
This is Most of Your Guys' Issue: BALANCING Refraining From Denial and The Peaceful Oneness with God-Source as a Positive Lifestyle! BALANCE, or You'll Experience Yourself AND OTHERS in Victimhood. | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.
Tucker Carlson for VP? Tucker's Hunting/Fishing Buddy, Alex Jones, Gives You the Heads-Up: NOT HAPPENING! (And it's Not Because Trump Doesn't Want Him..... So, Here's Why!) | InfoWars
3D is Going NOWHERE. It ETERNALLY Exists for Those Who Need That Gym-Like or School Reality. You CANNOT Raise its Vibration. It is YOU That Raises Vibration Which Reveals You’re Done with That School Reality, Thus Moving into Another [Higher] Reality.
Epstein Docs REDACTED (What's the Point?), Germans Say “NO!” to Gov., Warmonger Biden (The NEW Old-Style Republican), and YOU’LL be Paying for the Sex Changes of Illegals in CA! | Redacted News
The Torah Decoded (This Doesn't Make it Good or Bad—Just a Tool You can do "Good" or "Bad" Stuff With!) | This is Not a Torah/Bible-Worship Video!! | Gregg Braden, "In Focus".
“An Assessment" Report: NATO's Military Study and Analysis of Alien Presence Implications on Earth! | Bob Dean Interviewed by Regina Meredith (Flashback Interview)
Planet Serpo: Inside the ZETA RETICULI Exchange Program (with a Re-Enactment Inserted) — One of the Most Revealing Videos! | “Open Minds” with Regina Meredith
What Happened After the Fall of Atlantis, Who are the Lemurians in Comparison, Can America Fulfill it’s Destiny as the New Atlantis without Failing/Falling? + The Significance of the Year 2012!