The Man in the Moon (1898) –and– A Trip to the Moon (1902): The First Two (2) Sci-Fi Films EVER Made; by French Filmmaker Georges Méliès + Colorized Narrated Version and a Short Documentary — Filled with Esoteric and Extraterrestrial Imagery!
Quickie Version on the Bible Being a Work of Plagiarism: The Bible is a “Remix”—Here are the Details! (Explained by Billy Carson) [Esoteric Minds Only]
The Subconscious Mind Holds ALL of Your Power, Powerlessness, and Potential Power! It is the Cause for Expression of DNA. It is Why Disease (E.g. Cancer) Lies within the Ancestral Lineages (DNA) of Some, and may Express itself if Ignited. | Bradley Nelson
Billy Praises Sitchin—Warns of the Weak, Conspiracy-Driven Thru Victim-Consciousness, FearFUL & Fear-BREEDING, Typical Kind of the Spiritual/Truther-Community (You’ll Run into Lots of Them and You May be One). + Who is Enlil (Yahweh), and Amen-Ra!
REAL-TIME EXAMPLE: When 5D Finds You’re Ready and Pushes You Out [Just a Little bit More] of 3D, but You Still Oddly Feel Wronged About it—it’s Called Unsophisticated Human! But it Should be ok.. You’ll Usually Adjust and Not Forfeit the Upgrade.
Kerry Cassidy: Earth’s Histories, Human and ET Races/DNA + The Lyrans and Reptilians, Project Looking Glass, Ashayana Deane Material, and More! (Live on “Conservative Patriot Nation”)