The System Tried to Get Jessie To Come Back In + Trust Fund, Heads of the 13 Families, Random People Saying Things, Invitations & the Poem That Jessie's Proctor Wrote + Death Threat
The Sacred Heart of Mary, Girls Either Enter the Breeder Program or They're Used for Sacrifice + The Seed of Cain, Godhood, Encouraged to Spread Their Seed As Much as Possible
Conference for Trafficked Women, Survivors of Human Trafficking + Demonic Spirits, Three Ways They Can Attach Themselves to Us and How We Can Rebuke Them
Justin Bieber Where Are Ü Now Music Video Decode, Strawberries, Clowns, Carousel Program, Jessie's Childhood Circus Gorilla Story + Calling Out Various Names + Advertisement for a Smocking Party, Pedophilia, Very Disturbing
Justin Bieber Where Are Ü Now Music Video Decode, Smocking, Adrenochrome, Birthday Ritual, Teeth and Skulls, Satanic Symbolism + So Many Images, Too Fast to See Them All, Subliminal Programming
Difficulty in School with Reading & Math, Dr. Seuss, Charles Dickens, Some Teachers Were Not in the System + Got Out of the System At the Age of 10, Pretty Normal Life until the Age of 44