Brave young "Disabled" Canadian man shares how he feels about MAiD (Medical Assisted in Dying) being offered with such a low threshold to be eligible. - We Need More Like This Young Man!
Epic speech by Billboard Chris, the father who was physically assaulted by a gang of trans people for holding a sign, while being observed by police who stared on and laughed and then proceeded to say it was he who was violent…
The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 11.16.23 + Pastor Leon Teaches About Why We Should Remember Lot's Wife + Are 40 Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled Simultaneously?
The Bible | How to Read the Bible (Part 2) | Discover 40 Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled Right Now (Aaron Antis & Clay Clark) | SEE THE DESCRIPTION FOR ALL 40 CITED BIBLICAL REFERENCES
Laura Jeffery is a 27-year licensed funeral director who details what she has seen in the embalming process of deceased individuals who got the Bio-Nano-Weapon shot. She says that she's never seen these shocking structures before the jab roll-out
Pastor Leon Benjamin & The Remnant Church | Matthew 5:10-11 "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."