1. Forget the noise. When you die, will you be with Jesus Christ? | Preaching in Juneau, Alaska

    Forget the noise. When you die, will you be with Jesus Christ? | Preaching in Juneau, Alaska

  2. Big trip coming up. Need prayers and a translator in Buenos Aires to help with the preaching!

    Big trip coming up. Need prayers and a translator in Buenos Aires to help with the preaching!

  3. MY LATEST PACKAGE from CK Modelcars - NEW Unboxing

    MY LATEST PACKAGE from CK Modelcars - NEW Unboxing

  4. TikTok banned on government devices under spending bill passed by Congress

    TikTok banned on government devices under spending bill passed by Congress

  5. Experiencing open hostility and spiritual warfare in Oslo, Norway. Antichrist spirit at work

    Experiencing open hostility and spiritual warfare in Oslo, Norway. Antichrist spirit at work

  6. My wife was physically assaulted when I preached at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium | London Evangelism

    My wife was physically assaulted when I preached at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium | London Evangelism
