#67 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Representative Liz Harris - More EXPOSING, Updates, Board of Supervisors, BREAKING NEWS + We The People Holding Our LegislaTURDS Accountable Is WORKING - Motivation To Get On The Battlefield With GOD! JOIN US!
#75 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: The Sound of Freedom Movie Trailer, Director Interview & Heart Wrenching Presentation From The CEO Neal Harmon - STOP CHILD SEX SLAVE TRAFFICKING!
#144 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Our Elections Are Unconstitutional & Fraudulent - It's Time To BAN THE VOTING MACHINES NOW! JOIN US In AZ To Hold Our LegislaTURDS Accountable! AND Investigate Our Corruption + Nov 8th! | CHRISTINE REAGAN
#140 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Sen Wendy "Dodgers" Rogers & The LegislaTURDS DON'T Want To Investigate Election Fraud & Corruption Presented At The Joint Meeting 2/23 & Nov 8! They Forgot They Work For Us! HELP US DEMAND IT!
#98 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: LOY BRUNSON - The Real Insurrection On January 6th Was By The 385 Traitors In Congress + BANNING The Voting Machines Will End Child Sex Slave Trafficking! JOIN THE CRUSADE TO TAKE BACK OUR UNCONSTITUTIONAL ELECTIONS!
#32 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Boots On The Ground Update #3 + Legislators Have Done NOTHING For 2 Years To Fix Our Elections & Mark Finchem Has A Melt Down - Grift Much?
#81 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: How Kari Lake Can Easily WIN Her Case - The ONLY Winning Strategy To Set-Aside The Nov 8th Election - GAME OVER! - MICHELE SWINICK & ANN VANDERSTEEL