BREAKING! 944 NEW Epstein Documents - Breanna Morello; The world is sitting on a powder keg of debt - Dr. Kirk Elliott; Ending Child Exploitation and Trafficking - Mary Flynn O'Neill and Michelle Peterson | FOC Show
Analyzing the Cabal, Inclusive Capitalism, COP28, Henry Kissinger, and American Oligarchs: Connecting the Dots - Mel K; WHY is Gold going up? - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
Mike Ritland: “Mike Drop” Shares Warrior Wisdom that Americans NEED to Know NOW!; Biden's Actions could Cost US Economy Up to $93B - Jeremiah and Amy Harris; Here are 3+ Tips to Stay Healthy - Dr. Troy Spurrill | FOC Show
Are More Pandemics on the Way? How to Best Prepare Your Medicine Cabinet. - Dr. Stella Immanuel; Biden vs Trump - Jason Scoop; Putin Told Moon Landing Photos Are Fake - Greg Reese | FOC Show
We are About to Abandon the Traditional System of Money! - Clay Clark; This Alone May Cause a Global Shortage of Silver - Dr. Kirk Elliott; The Winning Mindset: Insights and Strategies from Leigh Dundas | FOC Show
Congressman Michael Cloud | Do Only 60% of Evangelical Christians Vote? Congressman Michael Cloud + China World Leader On 90% of Critical Technologies? Does Congress Read Bills Before Signing? HR 6666?
The Constitutional Infringements of Biden Administration... and what they mean For YOU! - Christie Hutcherson; The Economic Implications of Eliminating the One Thing We are Good at As a Nation - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show