Abraham Hicks—Most TRUTHERS are This: Christ Consciousness Vs. The Illuminati Control System That MOST (Even Anti-Illuminati) People Adhere and Conform to in [SUBCONSCIOUS] Appeasement of Their Ego! (That's Literally Most "Truthers")
Alex Jones Admits He is a Zen Master, Your “CONTRAST”, One of Your Movers & Shakers Willing to Make You Uncomfortable—and He Doesn’t Have to be an Illuminati Ally, Nor a “Backfill People”. | Annoying Interview on Some Kiddie Show! #Shorts
Late Night LIVESTREAM 2/18/24 | Vivek Ramaswamy as VP(?), What Will We Learn of DeSantis Soon?, The Battle of Athens + 2A, Russia, Visions of 5D New Earth, Central Banking, TAXES, Becoming Self-Sufficient in Preparation for 2024 Shenanigans, and More!
Christian Fanatic Healed by Tibetan Monk.. Healing Reverses a Week Later When She Learns the Monk isn’t Christian. She Was Healed by No Religion in the First Place —JUST the Mind. The Judgemental go to Hell for No Reason Except the Mind Creates it!
“The Artist” isn’t Just a Theme You Play Out in a Random Lifetime—IT IS A LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS YOU EARN AFTER MUCH WORK ON THE KARMIC WHEEL TO LEARN TO KNOW THYSELF! | Teacher of Bob Ross, Master Painter, Bill Alexander. #Shorts
Why the Rightwing is it’s Own Worst Enemy (Drama, Accusations, Low Creativity/Limited Art, Self-Imposed Depression), Why Liberals Have an Advantage, and the Lack of Understanding Light & Dark. FINALLY—Open Discussions, Solutions, Celebrations!
Alex “Off the Deep End” (6/6/23): Inter-Dimensional Beings, Demons, Light Frequencies Your 3rd Dimensional Avatar/Biological Body isn’t Designed to See, Plant Medicine, and More. — #RealTalk for the Final Battle for 5D!
Alien Encounters with the Tall Whites at Nellis Air Force Base [During 1965–1967] | Charles Hall Reveals What the Tall Whites are Like! (2013 Rare Interview)
Reviewing The Backfill People in Context of Today — with Snippet From the Audiobook "Convoluted Universe" by Dolores Cannon | Dolores Cannon, Guy Needler, WE in 5D.
Good Morning!... So, What ELSE is New? No, Not About Rigging, ABOUT PEOPLE NOT MAKING A BIG STINK! You're Telling Me American Humans Had So Little to Say? Saving it All up for the Last Minute as Usual? #YouAreTheResultOfYourVibration | Veteran Biker
Feminine = Creates, Masculine = Manifests—They are Energies You Work with in the Lower Dimensions, Which Also Manifests the Human as a ‘Gender’ Represented by One of the Two Energies. A Truth Being Manipulated by the Illuminati via Polarization.
Alex Jones’ Message to America for What's Coming! | Alex Calls it a Crossroads.. I Call it a 2-Year Span Timeline Split! My Video Explaining This Next Timeline Split is Linked in the Description ⇩