3 years ago3.6.22: Sheila Holm connects GA Guidestones, Ukraine, HELLywood, Cronkite & the EYE! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.8.22: The GOOD GUYS are WINNING! The US is connected to the rest of the WORLD! SPECIAL! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
2 years ago4.11.22: We are RUNNING a RACE to WIN! The unveiling of TRUTH continues even at #themasters ! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago3.17.22: MASSIVE turn of EVENTS leaves [DS] exposed! Ukraine, coverups, money, evil & death! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.11.22: TYRANTS openly show their allegiance to the ENEMY! They impose FEAR! Stay Together! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
2 years ago4.30.22: THEY (WHO?) ... want US DIVIDED! want OUR CHILDREN! ... want ALL OF US GONE! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago1.25.22: LEGAL PROCEEDINGS against CONVID CRIMINALS will HAPPEN! WITCHES PANIC! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
2 years ago5.6.22: WHAT is REALLY going on? #PsyWar at PLAY? The ENEMY is BUCKLING under HEAVY TRUTH! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago1.14.22: MANDATE dies! Elites shook up! PRINCE stripped! VERITAS + MARINE = PAIN! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago1.29.22: CANADA stirring EMOTIONS of the WORLD! LEADERS are coming forward! Godfather COMMS! Pray!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago12.31.21 PART 2: WE LOVE our FREEDOM not given by GOVT. The TIDE seems to BE TURNING! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
2 years agoAWK interview w/ SHEILA HOLM - 4.19.22: Self-Selective SLAUGHTER tied to the GA Guidestones! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.16.22: House of CARDS. Rank & File TESTIFYING? Many GAVE UP. Many are FALLING! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.4.22: EVIL and CORRUPTION exposed in EVERY AREA! Stay the COURSE! Protect our CHILDREN! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
2 years ago5.4.22: ELECTIONS sweep for PRES TRUMP! DEMS PANIC, admit SCOTUS leak purpose! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
2 years ago4.16.22: They WANT US GONE! Keep sharing the TRUTH! Digital WARRIORS activated! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.21.22: An ENTIRE Generation of CHILDREN traumatized! How CAN EVIL PPL get by with THIS? PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago1.27.22: Ten MOVES Ahead! The [DS] has EVIL Death CAMPS planned, yet it is CRUMBLING! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.2.22: BORDER battles, Old GUARD falling apart, CHILDREN's love melting HEARTS! Thank God! Pray!And We KnowVerified
2 years ago4.18.22: A WEEK to REMEMBER! They are AFTER OUR CHILDREN, a SPIRITUAL BATTLE like no other! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago1.3.21: "The DAMAGE will be with us FOR GENERATIONS," Dr. R@bert Mal@ne. SEALS win! Pray!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago1.8.22: ENORMOUS Pressure applied on ALL! Huge WINS worldwide! Keep the FAITH Pray!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago1.23.22: Don't LET them RUIN your MIND! Let's Remember why we FIGHT! OUR CHILDREN! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago3.4.22: Politicians calling for KILLINGS! Mass of Humanity Waking UP! Ukraine, PUTIN & PAIN! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
2 years ago5.2.22: Borders and BALLOTS!!! The ELECTION is HEATING UP! BE watchful for ENEMY tricks! PRAY!And We KnowVerified