"Anybody who thinks, that the Israelis were caught by surprise, is either a liar, or a fool.” -- Intelligence analysts Major Jeffrey Prather, Gen. Michael Flynn both agree - Israel STOOD DOWN to allow Hamas to unleash terror
TPM's Libby Emmons at Minds Festival of Ideas: "We look at the things that we are being told, and they seem absolutely absurd because they are and we are being asked to just believe them..."
Dr. Stella Immanuel | “What Has Happened To Our Spiritual Capacity That We Don’t Know How To Break Free From The Trappings Of World?” - Dr. Stella Immanuel
Weeknd | If You Wanted to See A Spectacular Satanic Cultish Prophesy Through a Post-Apocalyptic World, That Is What the Weeknd Delivered At His June 12th 2023 Etihad Stadium Concert??