Finance Minister Pierre Poiliervre Dismantled C.B.C. Anti Truckers Conboy Narrative - While Supporting Law Abiding Freedom Loving Hard Working Truckers Convoy For Freedom #BearHUG - #TrudeauMustGO #O'toolMustGO
LIVE with Daniel Bulford & Thomas O’Connor Live interview with Daniel Bulford former Trudeau Sniper detail who has resigned from the RCMP and Thomas O’Connor who has resigned from the Paramedic service in protest over the continued violation of ou
Time To Shut Canada Down Until People Care About Food & Freedom And Our Children's Future Over (FAKE 'COVID' Fear) !!! REMEMBER THE IMPORTANT THINGS 🇨🇦 #BearHUG - TrudeauMustGo #O'toolMustGO
Truckers For Freedom Convoy - Is The U.S.A. 🇺🇸 Side Now Also Comming On Board? -LEST GET IT! #NoVaxxPass #NoMandates EVER! - Please Show Them Your Support People ❤