4 years agoBaptism of the Holy Ghosts Uplifts the Uncomely - KJV Baptist preaching 1 Corinthians 12 pt 1BaptistTampaBay
1 month agoVaccination is a means of spreading diseases and disposing of the stupid population!Alex7Tumanov
4 months agoColorado State Representative Scott Bottoms talks about how Democrats protect pedophiles!Alex7Tumanov
4 years agoSlam Dunk for Baptists - KJV Baptist Preaching on Jesus' Baptism & the Doctrines of John the BaptistBaptistTampaBay
7 months agoMaduro accused the Zionists of trying to seize power in Venezuela! Criminal vaccination!Alex7Tumanov
1 year agoDestruction of the Earth's population through the poisoning of water, sweets and vaccines.Alex7Tumanov
5 months ago“Helen” is “Not a natural phenomenon”, but rather “Operation” by Katherine Austin Fitts!Alex7Tumanov
1 year ago"Missing" 50-60 thousand Ukrainian children have become the prey of Western pedophiles!Alex7Tumanov