2 years ago2022-04 Dr Gunter Frank im Bundestagsausschuss über Impfpflicht Contergan x10 - backupCorona as Great Reset BRiD
2 years ago2022-06 Schweizer Anwalt hat eine Botschaft was Covid-19 und deren Maßnahmen betrifft - backupCorona as Great Reset BRiD
2 years ago2022-06 CEO Versicherungsgruppe 5000% übersterblichkeit und VIAIDS - backupCorona as Great Reset BRiD
2 years ago2022-07 University Lausanne 1700% increase in athletes death - 813 lost lifesCorona as Great Reset BRiD
2 years ago2022-10 offizieller Covid-19 EU-Sonderausschuss Press Conference PFIZER - BackupCorona as Great Reset BRiD
2 years ago2022-11-14 Swissmedic wegen giftiger Genspritzen - Zulassungsbehörde wird verklagt - BackupCorona as Great Reset BRiD
2 years ago2022-12 Norwegische Politikerin Susanne Heart - 60.000 Norweger durch Impfstoffe geschädigt - backupCorona as Great Reset BRiD
3 years ago2022-01-15 Dr. Robert Young paints a horrific picture for the jabbed - backupCorona as Great Reset BRiD
2 years ago2022-04 Australian Senator Malcom Roberts says Injections are Genocide - backupCorona as Great Reset BRiD
2 years ago2022-09 Transhumanism outlook - graphen and quantum dot tatoo - backupCorona as Great Reset BRiD
2 years ago2022-11 Rosanna K. Flugbegleiterin Impfschaden - 180 Seiten Dokumentation BAG lehnt ab - BackupCorona as Great Reset BRiD
2 years ago1993. Terry Cook talking about the New World Order, microchipping, and Satanic Elitists - backupCorona as Great Reset BRiD