Now Hiring | How to Hire Quality Employees On the Current Planet Earth + A Look Inside the Mind of One of Oklahoma's Most Successful Entrepreneurs, Doctor Robert Zoellner of,,, Etc.
Business Coach | Why Do Entrepreneurs Try to Avoid Sales? | "You Will Not Pay Enough Attention to Users. You Will Make Up Some Idea In Your Head That You Will Call Your Vision." - Paul Graham (Man Behind Dropbox, AirBNB, etc.)
Business Podcasts | The Difference Between Want-Trepreneurs and Entrepreneurs | Want-Trepreneurs Are Disorganized “BIG IDEA” People Who Refuse to Do Math | Successful Entrepreneurs Are Organized People Who Start with Knowing Their Numbers
White Hats on Saturday engaged and killed UN “Peacekeepers” and a busload/Morgan Stanley International Bank Executive and Wife, British Tech Entrepreneur with Daughter Among Missing After Tragic Sinking of Luxury Yacht in Sicily, Italy/After $50 Billi
Entrepreneur Podcast | How to Increase Your Company's Quality Control Without Losing Your Soul + 5 SUPER MOVES YOU CAN USE TO CREATE A CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE + How to Implement Lean Six Sigma With Donald Meador