1 year agoEris: The Next Fake Covid Variant - Greek goddess of strife and discord the opposite of harmonia(NurembergTrials.net)
3 years ago(Fran_Eng) Dr Stuckelberger, Univ. de Genève + OMS. Variants, Delta, test, vaccinefredericmercier
3 years agoLockdowns Will Spur Protests So False Flag Attacks Can Be Blamed On Anti-VaxxersJeffreyKeith
3 years agoOMG, Delta Disaster!? NBC *Potential Reason* Why CDC Had To Do URGENT FULL REVERSAL Gets Scrubbed!Restricted Republic
3 years agoPART 2: Dr. Robert Malone on Ivermectin, Escape Mutants, and the Faulty Logic of Vaccine MandatesEpochTV (The Epoch Times)