6 months agoFORMATION OF MOON PHASES: The Part of the Moon in 'Shadow' Does Not Exist! Don't Be Duped by NASA!Liberty TV
4 months agoThe Moon Resembles the Plane Earth Right beneath It -- Continents in TRUE POSITION and SAME SIZE !!!Liberty TV
3 months agoMASS AWAKENING: The Truth about the Flat-Earth Map on the Plasma Moon Is Spreading Like Wildfire!Liberty TV
3 months agoGENOCIDE IN GERMANY! Expose the Mother of All Conspiracies to Shatter the Satanic Depop. NWO Cabal!Liberty TV
3 months agoFE STUDY: Agenda 21 (Depopulation & Transhuman/Mind Ctrl) Is Linked to Flat Earth & Age TransitionLiberty TV
3 months agoSlovakia Moves to Ban Depop & Mind-Control COVID-19 Vaxx, Declares Pandemic a 'Fabricated Operation'Liberty TV
3 months agoIf Bitcoin Is "Going to the Moon," Trump Wants America to Be the Nation That Leads the WayLiberty TV
2 months agoTo Ignore Evil Is to Become an Accomplice to It! Break the Silence on the GLOBE-EARTH NWO EVIL PSYOPLiberty TV
2 months agoBEWARE of Staged Sightings Pushing the Alien Psyop to Prime the Masses for One-World Government !!!Liberty TV
2 months agoThe Plasma Moon Mirrors All Continents in Real Time, Showing Earth Is Flat. It's a Flat-Earth Proof!Liberty TV
2 months agoThe DEEP STATE Wants to Ban TikTok Because Truther Videos Like This Are Spreading Like Wildfire !?!Liberty TV
2 months agoBEWARE of Staged/Scripted Interviews, Debates and Discussions on the Flat Earth, Moon Landing, Etc.Liberty TV
1 month agoFirst-Ever Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit against the Weaponization of 5G to Depopulate & Control the WorldLiberty TV
1 month agoDr. Bryan Ardis and Stew Peters Are Suspected NWO Gatekeepers Pushing the "Snake Venom" NarrativeLiberty TV
1 month agoTELL THE WHOLE WORLD About the Plasma-Moon FE Map to Get Putin, Trump & Xi to Declare Earth Is Flat!Liberty TV
1 year agoHow the Actual Horizon Rises to Eye Level - The Truth Will Set Globe Earthers Free! | Flat EarthLiberty TV
2 months agoSelenetical Physics, Vols. 1 and 2: Empirical Evidence of the True Flat-Earth Map on the Plasma MoonLiberty TV