Marina Abramović | What Is 5G Technology? Why Is the Spirit Cooking Marina Abramović Advising Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, Jay-Z, Gwen Stefani, Etc? Crystal Oscillators?
CBDCs | Why Did Gates & Bezos Fund Synchron's Brain-Computer Interface? Why Did Epstein & Gates Fund MIT's CBDC Project Hamilton? Was SEC Chair Gensler MIT Lab’s Senior Advisor? Why Did Gensler Teach w/ Father of SBF Girlfriend?
CBDCs | How Do CBDCs Work? - "The (CBDCs) Vaccine Passports Really Are the Last Step. Once the CBDC Vaccine Passports Are Accepted There Is No More Choice." - Naomi Wolf
CBDC | "I Think the Federal Government Trumps State Governments In This. CBDC Is a Digital Representation of Fiat Currency. Likely to Get Implemented Pretty Much Every Country Around the World." - James Wallis (Ripple VP, Bank Engagements &
CBDC | Is Pfizer a Chinese-German Owned Company? Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "Things I Talk About And People In The West React W/ Apprehension & FEAR, In CHINA the Reaction Is EXCITEMENT! WOW We Can Do That!!!?"
Who is the 144,000? | 20-MINUTES OF REVELATION - EP 09 | The 7 Seals: Part 7 - | Corona, Vaccine, 666, Mark of the Beast, End Times, Last Days, CBDC, 7 seals of Revelation, 4 horsemen
CBDC | Why Did the President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Neel Kashkari Say? "I Can See Why China Was Doing It If They Wanted to Monitor Everyone of Your Transactions." What Are Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies?
CBDCs | Professor Richard Werner | As the Head of the Bank of International Settlements Said, When You're Using Our CBDC We Will Know What You Are Spending Your Money On and We Can Interview and Stop You from Buying Something