Jessie's Website, Cathy Fox's Blog + Lucien Greaves, Gray Faction, The Satanic Temple, Challenging Beliefs, (We Now Know that Lucien Greaves is Jessie's Training Partner)
Lucifer TV Show, Milton's Paradise Lost, Casts Satan as the Victim, Pride Caused Satan's Downfall + Satan Intends to Usurp God's Throne + Satanic Shoe, Jupiter and Saturn, End-Time Symbolism
The Simpsons, Summoning Circle, Pentagon with Candles at the Points, Protection Inside the Pentacle (Not Outside) + Monsters University, One Eye Symbolism, Stealing Screams From Children, Gift to Remain Young + Fire
Miley Cyrus We Can't Stop Music Video Decode, Spaghettios, Twerk, Spooning, Sauce, Cannibalism + Taxidermy, High Level Brotherhood Members' Man Caves and Sexual Abuse + Silence and Mourning
A Demonic Spirit Named Jesus, Some Insist On Calling Jesus Christ Yeshua + The Angel Gabriel Told Mary that His Name is Jesus + There are Many Stories Involving Jesus Christ and the Use of His Name
Quantum Financial System, Positive and Negative + Everything in Creation is The Lord's, Storehouses, Abundance, The Enemy Has Stolen it, Priests are Meant to Distribute it + Scriptures, Past, Present & Future, Israel Came Out of Bondage, Egypt
Justin Bieber Yummy Music Video Decode, Hand Sign, High Priest Masonic Ring, Cherries, Sexual Allusions, Triple Arch and Pillars of Freemasonry, Ba'al and Ashtoreth, 12-Year-Old Initiation Ritual
Halloween Events, Witches and Vampires + The Illuminati Ball Had to Be Cancelled + Most of the Top Rothschilds Are Gone, The Dark Side of the System Has Fallen and the Light Side of the System is Taking Over