Dr Jana Schmidt | "Compared To Those Who Didn't Eat Mushrooms, Those Who Ate Them 3x A Week, Their Immune Was 75% More Effective Than The Ones That Didn't."
COVID-19 Shots | "The Pfizer Shot Because of the Way They Created It Synthetically Allows the Messenger RNA to Pass Inside Your Cells & to Be Replicated Indefinitely By the Ribosomes." - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (ReAwaken America Tour)
Thomas Breedlove | "We're Going To Empower A Young Generation With The Values, The Character Traits, The Morals, That Are going To Enable Them To Be Strong And Discerning Leaders."
Silicon Valley Bank Collapse Explained (Part 2) | Before VB Collapse Several Executives Sold Off Large Shares of Stock While Mainstream Media Told Their Audience to Invest In Them | 3.9.21 Israel's Two Largest Banks Pulled $1 Billion Out of SVB
Great Reset | Who Is Klaus Schwab? Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? What Is the World Economic Forum? “Interesting How They All Marched In Perfect Locked Step While Chanting the Same Slogans.” - Mikki Willis (Creator of PlandemicSeries.com)
Dr. Rashid Buttar | Dollar Collapse | "We're Watching Events That Are In a Framework Which Is Very Engineered And Planned." - Catherine Austin Fitts + "Your Body Is Your Wallet. They Were Installing a Hardware System w/ These Shots.&qu