Self-Driving Cars | Why Are Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari & Elon Musk Pushing Self-Driving Cars? "His (Elon Musk's) Issue Isn't Technological. His Issue Is Going to Be Regulatory. At What Speed Will People Be Comfortable...?"
Business Coach | We Become the Average of the 5 People We Spend the Most Time With + Behavioral Scientist & Award-Winning Author Jon Levy Teaches Why We Are Deeply Impacted By the People We Surround Ourselves With
Fourth Industrial Revolution | "The Fourth Industrial Revolution, I Continue to Think That Tesla Is Front & Center." - Dan Ives (CNN) 10/12/2024 + "Fourth Industrial Revolution It Changes You." - Klaus Schwab
Business Coach | The Success Mindset | With Franchise Brand Developer, Matt Kline + “Successful people do whatever it takes to get the job done, whether or not they feel like it.” - Jeff Olson
Robin Williams | "Joe Says Sh$# That Even People w/ Tourettes Say No To." + "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Has Become a Reality." - Klaus Schwab + "Dr. Schwab I'm Flattered You'd Ask Me to Keynote. Mastering the Fourt
General Flynn & Dr. Mikovits | W.H.O. Declares Global Emergency Over New Mpox Outbreak!!! Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, Peter Thiel, King Charles, Putin, Tedros & Kamala Harris In Their Own Words + Dollar Collapse?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Klaus Schwab’s 4th Industrial Revolution | Is Musk Implementing Schwab’s 4th Industrial Revolution? “I've Covered Tech for 25 years. Tesla Is Front & Center of the 4th Industrial Revolution.” - Dan Ives
Yuval Noah Harari | “If Trump Becomes President Again In 2024, It Will Be the Final Death Blow to the Global Order." - Harari + "You Want to Go Back to the Old World & That Is One of the Reasons for Trump." - Klaus Schwab