The Rise in Childhood Illness Has Been off the Charts Since the Vaccine Injury Act in 1986 Del Bigtree: "We went from that [12.8%] in the 1980s to now, 54% of America's children have a chronic, permanent, life-long illness
A refugee from Mariupol said that militants from Azov nationalist battalion, while retreating, blew up the city drama theater, where there were civilians, whom they used as a “human shield”.
Dr. Zelenko Lays Out the Paper and Patent Trail Prior to Premeditated Mass Murder 1998/1999: Dr. Ralph Baric perfected cross-species transmissibility. 2002: A patent by Dr. Baric describes how to take a bat coronavirus and make it lethal to human lung t
[documents] US-funded Ukrainian biolabs assert that components of biological weapons were created there and dangerous pathogens were developed there as well as ways to transmit said diseases through migrating birds and bats.