1 year ago1/12/24 WEF/DAVOS, RIP Gonzo Lira, NAC Action, MTG VAX Injury #NeverNikki #CancelFoxNewsyouarefreetv
1 year ago2/2/24 Podesta New Climate Czar to Kill US Energy, EF EF TX Convoy, NSA, Facial Rec #ComplicitClergyyouarefreetv
8 months ago5/20/24 Cartel Babylon Space Lasers! Bees Exterminated Aust/NZ, S. America Carbon NAC Coupyouarefreetv
1 year ago12/5/23 COP28 Death Cult, NZ W'Blower Redemption: Humanity Awake is the True Climate Change!youarefreetv
10 months ago3/26/24 USA Balt. Bridge/Port Attack, ATF Agent- Pipe B, US Concert Next Target? #Eclipseyouarefreetv
10 months ago3/28/24 Texas Eclipse FF?, Biden Cartel NYC Bash as America Attacked! Balt. Port Cascade of Sabotageyouarefreetv
1 year ago12/13/23 TRUMP Vs Baphomet in IA, DEFUND Act!,, Bankster Credit Collapse Asset Seizure #ExittheUNyouarefreetv
7 months ago6/25/24 Assange Free! Jack Smith/DOJ Conspiracy, Cognify, Nat. Parks Hijacked #Assange4PMyouarefreetv
1 year ago1/31/24 Convoy Arrives TX! UN Regional Refugee $1.6B TP$, GEN ZERO Transhumanism, Tara Reid Sues FBIyouarefreetv