EMERGENCY BROADCAST: Dan Bongino on Biden Dropping Out, What Dems Will Do Next, and with Michelle Obama Rejecting Being Drafted to Run is Hillary Planning to Backstab Kamala? (7/21/24)
10/11/24 LIVESTREAM: The Show Did Not Turn Out as Intended Due to Multiple Difficulties—But You Can Listen in on the Banter of Two Hypothesizers/Philosophizers, Which Depending on the Perceiver May Have Missed the Mark on Leading-Edge Conversation!
JFK JR. ALIVE?? Jason Shurka Asks, RFK Jr. Answers! (1/15/24 FLASHBACK) | WE in 5D: The Trump/RFK Jr. Merge is the Closest "Q"Anon'ers Will Get to Their Qanonsense. What Did I Say Earlier This Year?: 2024 Will Strip Away ALL Your Delusions!
Grzegorz Braun: Mija 10 lat od "Okupacyjnej Wizyty" w PKW - 20.11.2014 - a polski poseł do PE Braun niczego nie musi się wstydzić - taki sam jak wczoraj - tylko jeszcze bardziej!