6 months agoEpisode 533 - RFK Jr. strategery, Check on your liberal friends, Kim Clement Kennedy prophecy,DTOOVerified
4 months agoEpisode 569 - Madison Square Garden Media Meltdown Montage, Pandemonium at CNN....DTOOVerified
2 months agoEpisode 599 - Military Drone Expert Says He Knows What’s Going on With the 'Drones',DTOOVerified
2 years agoKAMRY K1000 PLUS E-PIPE REVIEW #kamryk100plusepipe#epipereview#kamrytech 🔞Reviews on Mod's/ MTL-DTL RTA'S / E-Liquid's / Live UK Vape Show 8PM UK time Saturday's
5 months agoEpisode 545 - Was the Latest Would-Be Trump Assassin a CIA Asset?, Sheriff William Snyder....DTOOVerified
2 years agoHELLVAPE DEAD RABBIT R TANK REVIEW 🔞 #hellvape #deadrabbitrtank #vapeReviews on Mod's/ MTL-DTL RTA'S / E-Liquid's / Live UK Vape Show 8PM UK time Saturday's
2 years agoLOST VAPE GRUS 100W BOX MOD REVIEW 🔞 #lostvape #100wattboxmod #lostvapegrus #vapeReviews on Mod's/ MTL-DTL RTA'S / E-Liquid's / Live UK Vape Show 8PM UK time Saturday's
5 months agoEpisode 551 - Melania talks about the first attempt on Donald’s life, Melania talks about Donald,DTOOVerified
4 months agoEpisode 568 - Madison Square Garden Goes Nuts as First Lady Melania Trump Takes the Stage,DTOOVerified
2 years agoBLOTTO RTA MINI REVIEW #dovpo#vapingbogan#singledualcoilrtaReviews on Mod's/ MTL-DTL RTA'S / E-Liquid's / Live UK Vape Show 8PM UK time Saturday's
4 months agoEpisode 571 - JD Vance Explains to Joe Rogan the OTHER Way Illegal Aliens Harm Americans,DTOOVerified
2 years agoINTAKE MTL RTA REVIEW / MIKE VAPES & AUGVAPE / REVIEW #intakemtlrta#augvape#mikevapes 🔞Reviews on Mod's/ MTL-DTL RTA'S / E-Liquid's / Live UK Vape Show 8PM UK time Saturday's
7 months agoEpisode 503 - Beryl and the Bible, With Prophecies Please always use discernment,DTOOVerified
4 months agoEpisode 570 - President Trump Beautifully Trolls Dementia Joe With Campaign Garbage Truck,DTOOVerified
2 years agoCORRUPTION OF THE FINEST E LIQUID REVIEW 🔞 #corruptcouds#eliquid#vapeReviews on Mod's/ MTL-DTL RTA'S / E-Liquid's / Live UK Vape Show 8PM UK time Saturday's
2 years agoNEVOKS PAGEE POD KIT REVIEW 🔞 #nevokspagee #podkit #bigdvapesReviews on Mod's/ MTL-DTL RTA'S / E-Liquid's / Live UK Vape Show 8PM UK time Saturday's
2 years agoWOTOFO SMRT PNP REBUILDABLE COIL KIT #smrtpnpcoilkit#wotofo 🔞Reviews on Mod's/ MTL-DTL RTA'S / E-Liquid's / Live UK Vape Show 8PM UK time Saturday's