Mark of the Beast | Would You Let Someone Implant a Microchip Into Your Hand If You Would Receive $2,000 Per Month? Think This Is a Conspiracy Theory? Here's the Tokenization Process In the Words of the BIS." - Clayton Morris (7/25/23)
De-Dollarization | "The Russians Said the New Currency Is Going to Be Gold-Backed." - Steven Bannon (7/8/23) + "The BRICS Group Is Set to Introduce a New Currency Backed By Gold In Contrast to the Credit-Backed U.S. Dollar." - (7/3/23)
Chris Whitty: The Decision To Make Covid Jabs Mandatory Was “100% Political”/State Farm asks for emergency rate hike for California homeowners after wildfires/People were strapped to chairs for hours, days at Madison County Jail/El Salvador offers to