3 years agoEUROPES INVASION FORCE - Kyiv Here's what we know about the 40-mile-long Russian convoy Ukraine 🔥Temrazplus
1 month agoMIAMI — two vans packed with 40 illegal Chinese nationals were apprehendedB-N-F-A-T-WVerified
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3 months agoNATO’s Biolabs in Former Ukraine Worked on Bioweapon Targeting Scythian DNA (Russian, White Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Chech, Croatian, Serb, Slovaks, Slovenians and many more)teddolbi
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3 months agoDr Krainer: Webcams in London went black, likely Nuclear Explosion is being prepared. About “Syria Trap”teddolbi
5 months agoSpaceX pulls off historic achievement, launching four rockets in less than 40 hoursB.C. Begley
3 months agoDr Krainer: Russia’s Deadly Trap in Syria? Russia, China, Iran and Turkey are in Cahoots!teddolbi