The Children of Table 34 - A rare and disturbing video from the Phil Donahue Show exposing Alfred Kinsey and his team as the sick criminal Pedophiles they were.
AI And Useless Eaters - Yuval Noah Harari Klaus Schwab and The World Economic Forum's right hand man Yuval Noah Harari. The rise of the 4th industrial revolution. "The useless class"
“We found $4.5B worth of payments from the US Agency for International Development to pay off Ukraine’s sovereign debt. Much of which is owned by the global investment firm BlackRock.”
Under the United Nations' plan for total global control known as 'Agenda 21/2030 all humans who once lived on farms and in rural areas, are to be forcibly relocated into densely populated "smart" cities.
James OKeefe exposes BlackRock: -buying US Senators for $10k -profiting off the Ukraine war -Insider trading -using $20 Trillion in assets to control much of the world
Previously unseen footage shows UK Conservative Party staff drinking, dancing, and joking about the restrictive Covid lockdown that applied to everyone else.