Brave young "Disabled" Canadian man shares how he feels about MAiD (Medical Assisted in Dying) being offered with such a low threshold to be eligible. - We Need More Like This Young Man!
Epic speech by Billboard Chris, the father who was physically assaulted by a gang of trans people for holding a sign, while being observed by police who stared on and laughed and then proceeded to say it was he who was violent…
The Children of Table 34 - A rare and disturbing video from the Phil Donahue Show exposing Alfred Kinsey and his team as the sick criminal Pedophiles they were.
Nita Farahany (Duke U.) admits wearable brain scanners could be a "dystopia" or the best thing since sliced bread. Like most "futurists," she's willing to risk it. And if her dreams come true, your brain waves will be your biometr