3 years ago🦊 Beautifully cute and friendly urban #fox comes on her nightly visit looking for food and love.Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Friendly urban #fox goes for an egg and breaks it (old video from last year !)Ajaxtheurbanfox
1 year ago| OSKI - Stay The Night: A Sonic Journey | [Non Copyright Songs] No: 39 |.Non Copyright Harmony
3 years ago🦊Friendly urban #fox cub Ajax in September - NO GIMMICKS NO MUSIC JUST FOX - Rare FootageAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years agoFubon Aozihdi Commercial Development Project [episode 03] 🇹🇼 (2022-05) {aerial}Impressions
3 years ago🦊Friendly urban #fox Ajax eats bread put out for the birds AND THEN NICKS THE BOWL -SHORTSAjaxtheurbanfox