4 months agoMatt Gaetz: FEMA Whistleblower alleges federal gov't is deliberately sabotaging Hurricane reliefPal Bulletin
4 months agoNick Shirley: Illegal immigrants in NYC admit to receiving 7 months free rent, free meals & morePal Bulletin
4 months agoWTF?! Why is Alexa saying that the US Government used cloud seeding In Hurricane Helene?Deep State Crime Scene
3 months agoPatriot Steve Bannon responds to Nancy Pelsosi sending him to prison: "It empowered Me!"Deep State Crime Scene
4 months agoFox Weather anchor cries as Woman talks about her son who drowned in Helene HurricanePal Bulletin
3 months agoCNN admits that Biden may have done significant harm to Kamala Harris after calling MAGA "Garbage"Pal Bulletin
4 months agoThis girl's mom lives in North Carolina: "There are Dead Bodies that are lying in the Water"Pal Bulletin
4 months agoUnivision accidentally proves that Kamala Harris used teleprompter at Town HallDeep State Crime Scene
4 months agoEven Fake News CNN can not save Kamala Harris after her Horrible Town Hall performanceDeep State Crime Scene
5 months agoWTH?! Harris-Biden Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo calls for Trump to be "extinguished for good"Deep State Crime Scene
4 months agoRFK Jr says Bill Gates has been indicted in Netherlands for lying about Covid VaccineDeep State Crime Scene
4 months agoMan is rightfully Pissed off over Kamala Harris & Biden response to Hurricane HelenePal Bulletin
2 years agoGOP Seeks Hunter Docs, Trump to Sue CNN, Schumer Strips Anti-China Security from Chips BillWE ARE THE NEWS (WATN)Verified
4 months agoAnother Lie, Kamala Harris says Trump said that he wants Generals like Adolph Hitler hadDeep State Crime Scene
4 months agoFlorida Governor Ron DeSantis hammers on Kamala Harris after her statements earlierDeep State Crime Scene
4 months agoMel Gibson is hounded about who he will Vote for: "Kamala Harris has an IQ of a Fence Post"Deep State Crime Scene
4 months agoGeneral Flynn says that the Diddy Elite abusers are Evil, Psychopaths & SatanicPal Bulletin
2 years agoFormer Japanese PM Abe Killed, Maricopa Co. Will Vote To Reject 2020, Twitter Deal In PerilWE ARE THE NEWS (WATN)Verified