BRICS | "The BRICS Nations Are Going to Strap A Saddle On the Back of the United States Fiat System & Ride It Into the Sunset." - Jim Rickards (January 19th 2024)
Lucifer Publishing Company | What Is the Lucis Trust & Why Is It Located Next to the United Nations Building? Who Was Alice Bailey? What Was Alice Bailey's 10 Point Strategy of New World Order? What Is the Goal of the United
Elon Musk | Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller: Is the United States Being Run By Demons? From Transgender to Transhuman + "I Believe Our Mind Clones Will Ultimately Be Our Best Friends." - Martine Rothblatt (Transgender & Top Earning CEO in Biopharma
De-Dollarization INCREASES! | "Small Banks In This Country (United States of America) Have About 7 Cents of Cash On Their Balance Sheet. Only 7 Cents for Every Dollar On Their Balance Sheet Is Cash." - Caitlin Long (CEO of Custodia Bank)