The System Tried to Get Jessie To Come Back In + Trust Fund, Heads of the 13 Families, Random People Saying Things, Invitations & the Poem That Jessie's Proctor Wrote + Death Threat
The Winslows and The Sullivans, High Level Masons Brought in to Build Chicago, Specific Designs, DUMBs, Trafficking + Technology to Track People From Their Fingerprints in Real Time, There is No Hiding From Spirits
Jessie's Cell Group, 'Encyclopedia' + Satanic Hunting Parties, Children Hunted, Raped and Killed + Brotherhood Members Too Old to Hunt, Jacob Rothschild, Can Still Rape, Engage in Sex Magick + Quintet
Katy Perry Wide Awake Music Video Decode, Release Dates, Carousel Mind Control Program, Sandman, Dreamy, Cotton Candy-Like Clouds + Carousel Programmed People Could be Triggered into Beta Kitty Sex Slave Alter, Doll Alter aka Thumbelina Installed at Age 2
First Blasphemy/12-Year-Old Ritual, First Time as Perpetrators Rather Than Victims; Rape, Murder, Cannibalism, Full Initiation + Knowledge of Evil, Acquainted with Evil, The Enemy Persuades Them They Want This, Encourage Others to Do It + Adrenochrome Use
Jessie Was Led to Believe That Her Training Partner Was Killed + The System Engaged in Major Gaslighting + Jessie Had a Weird Vision, "Did You Think That I (God) Could Not Raise Him From 'the Dead'?"
Why Not Go for the Demonic Generals Instead of the People? Taking Out the Demons Removes the Power from those People + The Decipher Key is a Dangerous Weapon + Anointing the Land
Justin Bieber Where Are Ü Now Music Video Decode, Smocking, Adrenochrome, Birthday Ritual, Teeth and Skulls, Satanic Symbolism + So Many Images, Too Fast to See Them All, Subliminal Programming
Pink Music Video Decode, All I Know So Far + Marketing of Stars, Seem to Be Rebelling + Military Father, MK Ultra + Toy with Teeth, Teeth are Sometimes Kept as Trophies + Pink as a Housewife, Doing all the Work