R.I.P. Truth Speaker Francis Boyle 🙏🏼 | NB: This broadcast was originally published in February 2020 | SMOKING GUN-Dr. Francis Boyle, Bio Weapons Expert; China Bought Weaponized Wuhan Virus From U.S. · February 19, 2020 The Alex Jones Show
"Trump Was Right." - Jake Tapper (CNN) | "Hunter Biden Admitted In Court In July That He Was In Fact Paid Substantial Sums from Chinese Companies. This Directly Goes Against What Joe Biden Said In the Debates In 2020 With Donald Trump."
Dr. Stella Immanuel | "This Whole Thing Is About Setting Us Up for Vaccine. They Are Talking About Putting Luciferase Under Your Skin. This Whole Pandemic Was to Prepare You for the Vaccine and Control." - Dr. Stella Immanuel 2020