1. Sister Humbles Down To The Word Of God

    Sister Humbles Down To The Word Of God

  2. How Much Alcohol Can Change Who You Are?

    How Much Alcohol Can Change Who You Are?

  3. Young Sister Learns What It Means To Love God

    Young Sister Learns What It Means To Love God

  4. Christian Believes God Made A Mistake For Choosing Israel (Part 1)

    Christian Believes God Made A Mistake For Choosing Israel (Part 1)

  5. Christian Believes God Made A Mistake For Choosing Israel (Part 2)

    Christian Believes God Made A Mistake For Choosing Israel (Part 2)

  6. White Christ: The image Of The Beast

    White Christ: The image Of The Beast

  7. Our people that don't have the understanding of their true identity are in the CongregationOfTheDead

    Our people that don't have the understanding of their true identity are in the CongregationOfTheDead

  8. The Bible uses the word pride in a negative context!

    The Bible uses the word pride in a negative context!

  9. Hope, the fear of God, and knowledge, are suppose to dwell in us, because we are the temple of God.

    Hope, the fear of God, and knowledge, are suppose to dwell in us, because we are the temple of God.

  10. You can’t go against the way God made you!

    You can’t go against the way God made you!

  11. The Bible says that we wouldn't have any rest among the other nations.

    The Bible says that we wouldn't have any rest among the other nations.

  12. Brother takes off his cross after learning it’s sin!

    Brother takes off his cross after learning it’s sin!

  13. The white man has broke every peace treaty that they have had with the Native Americans.

    The white man has broke every peace treaty that they have had with the Native Americans.

  14. Israel will have dominion over the earth in the end! 🔥

    Israel will have dominion over the earth in the end! 🔥

  15. Don’t die in your sin! Repent while you have breath to do so.

    Don’t die in your sin! Repent while you have breath to do so.

  16. The Most High is taking us through affliction for us to turn back to him!

    The Most High is taking us through affliction for us to turn back to him!

  17. You are dishonoring Christ if you don’t acknowledge his true image and message!

    You are dishonoring Christ if you don’t acknowledge his true image and message!
