1 year agoApril 16, 2023-Watchman News-Rom 13:8- Judgement Time in the Mazzaroth, Meteor over Israel and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMay 5, 2023-Watchman News-Philippians 4:6-7-Goodbye to British crown, Orban endorses Trump and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJune 14, 2023-Watchman News-Phil 3:20-NATO Switched to War Stance, The Storm Arrives:Trump and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJuly 10, 2023- Watchman News - Phil 1:6 - Black Death in Europe, Fallen Angel Tech-Quantum and More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoMarch 8, 2023-Watchman News-2 Cor 1:3-4 - China warns of US Conflict, Nephillim Birth Plan and More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoMarch 9, 2023-Watchman News-2 Tim 1:9- Scientists revived a ‘zombie’ virus - Nephillim DNA and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoApril 7, 2023 -Watchman News-Galatians 2:20 - China warns NATO/US, Lebanon-Israel Strikes and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMay 30, 2023-Watchman News-Psalm 56:4 - NATO clashes with Serbs, Moscow attacked by drones and More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoMarch 15, 2023-Watchman News-Acts 4:10- Warsaw Jets-4 Weeks, Russia Jets down US Drone and More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoFeb 21, 2023-Watchman News-Rom 13:9-10-New Quake hits Turkey, Putin to Address Fed Assembly and Moretrevisdampierministries
2 years agoMarch 11, 2023-Watchman News-Deut 7:9-B. Orban's dark prediction:, SVB shut down, Bird Flu and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMay 17, 2023-Watchman News - Romans 11:33 - New Cuban Missle Crisis,Sword of the Red Horse and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJuly 14, 2023-Watchman News-John 15:10- Apocalyptic End Times Weather, Harlotry of Babylon and More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoFeb 11, 2023-Watchman News-1 Cor 13:4-5-Putin-72 hour warning before Nukes, US tests Nukes and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJuly 15, 2023-Watchman News-James 1:21-NATO cancels Founding Law, Sweden Bible burning and More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoFeb 27, 2023-Watchman News-1 John 3:18 - Zelensky's Body Double On Camera, Pandemic Treaty and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMay 18, 2023-Watchman News-Heb 6:10-States call to amend Constitution, Flood Coming on Rome and Moretrevisdampierministries
1 year agoJune 25, 2023-Watchman News-Jer 23:24-'Doom Loop' in US, "Hard-nuclear Hawks" replacements and More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoMarch 7, 2023-Watchman News-Psalm 139:23-24-Taiwan warns of sudden entry, Last Winter Moon and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMarch 24, 2023 - Watchman News - Romans 6:23 - Rare cosmic event, Northern Lights Friday and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMarch 19, 2023-Watchman News-Gal 5:22-23-Millions of dead fish - Death to SWIFT & 1st Born and More!trevisdampierministries
2 years agoFeb 13, 2023-Watchman News-John 3:16-Lavrov- Nord Stream US handiwork, Nephilim Returning and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMay 2, 2023-Watchman News-1 John 5:14-15-The Euphrates-Atlantis Revealed, 3D printed fish and More!Liveactioneating
1 year agoMay 2, 2023-Watchman News-1 John 5:14-15-The Euphrates-Atlantis Revealed, 3D printed fish and More!trevisdampierministries