4 years agoI can not love anyone, after suffering much in love and have my heart broken... [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoYou left me, my heart is in broken pieces, and nothing makes sense... [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoNot matter if your heart was broke, broken or hurted... [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoNo one else can break my heart, is already broken... [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoIf you have a broken heart, glue it, in the future will have a person... [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
4 years agoAfter you have a broken heart for the first time, you lose the will to love... [Quotes and Poems]Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems
1 year agoImperial master uncovers who Sovereign Harry would have hitched rather than Meghan Marklefun and funny
1 year agoUK's migration and haven strategy needs extremist resetting, says BRANDON LEWISfun and funny
1 year agoOtilia-Bilionera ( Dee pete remix) #viral #shorts #arbic 2023 @Anjalishorts123 @ankitkashortssrandomhandsome2019
1 year agoOtilia-Bilionera ( Dee pete remix) #viral #shorts #arbic 2023 @Anjalishorts123 @ankitkashortssrandomhandsome2019