1. Continuing Breath of the Wild and then playing Plate UP with Friends!!!!

    Continuing Breath of the Wild and then playing Plate UP with Friends!!!!

  2. Sorry about this Christine! #fallout #funny #lie #shorts

    Sorry about this Christine! #fallout #funny #lie #shorts

  3. Finally going to get into the Sierra Madre... I think!

    Finally going to get into the Sierra Madre... I think!

  4. Here Give This One A Try... #hogwartslegacy #magic #unforgivable #avadakedavra #shorts

    Here Give This One A Try... #hogwartslegacy #magic #unforgivable #avadakedavra #shorts

  5. LIVE | Restricted Eh?! Sounds Like My Kind of Section!! | Hogwarts Legacy - Slytherin - #4

    LIVE | Restricted Eh?! Sounds Like My Kind of Section!! | Hogwarts Legacy - Slytherin - #4

  6. A Classic! The Bowl Cut!! #fallout #ncr #bowlcut #nice #shorts

    A Classic! The Bowl Cut!! #fallout #ncr #bowlcut #nice #shorts

  7. LIVE | Sonic Saves The World With Fresh Dairy Products!! | Sonic Frontiers - Part 11

    LIVE | Sonic Saves The World With Fresh Dairy Products!! | Sonic Frontiers - Part 11

  8. LIVE | I want money that's ALIVE though! | Fallout: New Vegas - Part 34

    LIVE | I want money that's ALIVE though! | Fallout: New Vegas - Part 34

  9. The reason why I'm scared of lightning! #story #lightning #shocked #shorts

    The reason why I'm scared of lightning! #story #lightning #shocked #shorts

  10. LIVE | Just repeatedly getting eaten by the ocean! | Final Fantasy X - Part 2

    LIVE | Just repeatedly getting eaten by the ocean! | Final Fantasy X - Part 2

  11. I think the betrayal is incoming!! Slytherin - #22

    I think the betrayal is incoming!! Slytherin - #22

  12. I've heard there is some kind of monster on this road.. FFX Part 7

    I've heard there is some kind of monster on this road.. FFX Part 7

  13. Maybe This Will Be Easier If... #fallout #boomers #bombing #shorts

    Maybe This Will Be Easier If... #fallout #boomers #bombing #shorts

  14. LIVE | Only One More Giant Robot Monster To Go!? | Sonic Frontiers - Part 09

    LIVE | Only One More Giant Robot Monster To Go!? | Sonic Frontiers - Part 09

  15. LIVE | Building Some Clouds!! | Goovinia Minecraft

    LIVE | Building Some Clouds!! | Goovinia Minecraft

  16. Hello, Mr. Metal Pole! #fallout #boomers #weird #shorts

    Hello, Mr. Metal Pole! #fallout #boomers #weird #shorts

  17. LIVE | The King of New Vegas! | Fallout: New Vegas - Part 11

    LIVE | The King of New Vegas! | Fallout: New Vegas - Part 11

  18. Why Did I Say Uncle? #hogwartslegacy #professor #weird #shorts

    Why Did I Say Uncle? #hogwartslegacy #professor #weird #shorts

  19. LIVE | Finally, A Wand Of My Own!! Also Hogsmeade. | Hogwarts Legacy - Slytherin - #3

    LIVE | Finally, A Wand Of My Own!! Also Hogsmeade. | Hogwarts Legacy - Slytherin - #3

  20. The BEST scene in video game history!!! #finalfantasyX #funny #laugh #shorts

    The BEST scene in video game history!!! #finalfantasyX #funny #laugh #shorts

  21. A Ghost Might Be Hiding In There! | Phasmophobia #1

    A Ghost Might Be Hiding In There! | Phasmophobia #1