ONE A.I. TO RULE THEM ALL: Elon Musk Rightly Attacks Sam Altman’s $500 Billion "Stargate" Proposal After President Trump Meets With Lords Of A.I., + Oracle Co-Founder Larry Ellison Promotes Project's mRNA Cancer Vaccines!
EXCLUSIVE ANALYSIS: Learn Why Elon Musk's Announcement That "The Woke Mind Virus Has Been Deleted" Is of Maximum Importance! — SPECIAL SATURDAY BROADCAST (1/11/25)
Israel | Why Are the Jewish People So Hated In the World? It Was Through the Nation of Israel That Our Savior Was Born. Israel Gave Us the Apostles & Prophets. Israel Gave Us the Word of God. + Standing w/ the People & Nation of Israel
DJT & Musk Continue To DEVASTATE The Illuminati Power Structure In LIVE-TIME! For The Latest Developments/Next-Level Analysis, Watch And Share This Must-See Edition Of The Alex Jones Show! — FULL SHOW (2/4/25)