2 years agoYou Could Be Mine Guns N' Roses #drumcover #gunsnroses #youcouldbemineDan Sharp Drum Covers
2 years agoHouses of The Holy , Led Zeppelin #drumcover #ledzeppelin #housesoftheholyDan Sharp Drum Covers
1 year agoFool In The Rain, Led Zeppelin #drumcover Working on hands and feet first, ghost notes are next.Dan Sharp Drum Covers
1 year agoShe Talks To Angels, The Black Crowes #drumcover #theblackcrowes #shetalkstoangelsDan Sharp Drum Covers
1 year agoPour Some Sugar On Me, Def Leppard #drumcover #defleppard #poursomesugaronmeDan Sharp Drum Covers
1 year agoToo Much Time on My Hands, Styx #drumcover #styx #toomuchtimeonmyhandsDan Sharp Drum Covers
2 years agoRiders on The Storm The Doors Drum Cover #ridersonthestorm #thedoors #drumcoverDan Sharp Drum Covers
1 year agoKnockin' On Heavens Door, Guns N' Roses #drumcover #gunsnroses #knockinonheavensdoorDan Sharp Drum Covers
1 year agoBuffalo Springfield, For What It's Worth #drumcover #buffalospringfield #forwhatitsworthDan Sharp Drum Covers
1 year agoCome To My Window, Melissa Etheridge #drumcover #melissaetheridge #cometomywindowDan Sharp Drum Covers
1 year agoHey Hey What Can I Do, Hootie & The Blowfish Cover of Led Zeppelin #drumcover #hootieandtheblowfishDan Sharp Drum Covers