Carbon Tax | What Is a Carbon Tax? How Will a Carbon Tax Impact Your Life? "My Top Recommendation Would Be to Just Have a Carbon Tax." - Elon Musk + Carbon Taxes & Digital ID Control Grid 101
Putin | Why Did Putin Say? "They're (The U.S.) Destroying the Institution of Family, Their Culture's Historical Identity & Various Perversions, Pedophilia Are Accepted As the New Norm, Priests Are Forced to Officiate Same-Sex..."
Elon Musk | "How Should IP Owners Think About That?" Musk, "By the Time These Lawsuits Are Decided We Will Have Digital God. We'll Have to Ask Digital God." + "Memphis, Perhaps That Where Out New God Will Come From"
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Yuval Noah Harari | "Control of Data Might Enable Human Elites to Do Something More Radical Than Just Build Digital Dictatorships. Elites May Gain the Power to Reengineer the Future of Life." + "Digital God." - Elon Musk