2 years agoYou are an incompetent ward of the state a of Corporate Construct U S CITIZEN #tazadoctrine#TAZADOCTRINE
1 year agoThe Beam, Banayam and Tazadaq Mountain Biking Chorchan Park Trail Tazadaq Gets Poison Sumach#TAZADOCTRINE
1 year agoThe Beam, Banayam and Tazadaq Mountain Biking Chorchan Park Trail War on Attrition#TAZADOCTRINE
1 year agoBike Trail in Hell Burning in the Sun Tortured on the Mountain Bike course Quarry's Edge Park#TAZADOCTRINE
1 year agoOn the Trail Mountain Biking at Cochran Hill Park Tazadaq Goes Over Handle Bars TDOC Music#TAZADOCTRINE
2 years agoNotice of Removal Of Case To Federal Court How to be a Secured Creditor In Commerce#TAZADOCTRINE
2 years agoThe Corporation Inspirational Life Altering Techniques Eliminate Debt Became A Creditor#TAZADOCTRINE