2 months agoOMC! RIP little Brownie - She passed in October - The best little chicken - Love you lil Brownie! 😢🐔OneMinuteChickens
1 year agoDIY Chicken Coop Build in Progress + Supply Run!🐥(Picking up New Chicks for our ALASKA Homestead!)Home Free Alaska
1 year agoAlaska Remote Cabin Preps-DIY Enclosed Dog Sled 🐕🐕+ Starting our Chicken Coop Build!Home Free Alaska
2 months agoOMC! Three little pigs in the dirt playing! - Oh wait, those are actually chickens! #shorts #pigsOneMinuteChickens
3 months agoRe-Using Discarded Things to Create a Chicken Barn Maternity Ward - A Better Setup For Broody MamasFy Nyth
2 months agoOMC! How did Whitey get so good @ having a dirt bath? Amazing chickens in action! #chickens #shortsOneMinuteChickens
4 months agoOMC! Whitey and friends sharing a homemade pizza crust treat! #whitey #chickens #hens #shorts #treatOneMinuteChickens
2 months agoOMC! Chickens are worm hunting professionals! - Hens hunt for grubs & worms next to fence! #shortsOneMinuteChickens