2 months agoDay 23: Moses' Early Life and Calling - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 24: God's Purpose for Pharaoh - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 6: God's Promise to David - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 4: The Passover Lamb - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 3: Abraham's Covenant and Faith - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 2: The Fall and The Promise - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
1 month agoDay 55: The Blessings of Obedience - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDealing Biblically with Bitterness - Pastor Patrick Hines SermonChristian Sermons and Audio Books
1 month agoDay 57: God's Faithfulness and Protection - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 years agoChapter 4 (Step 4) - Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions - Alcoholics Anonymous - 12 & 12 Read AlongRecoveredNotCured
2 months agoDay 17: Jacob's Ladder and God's Protection - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 26: God's Provision in the Wilderness - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 16: God's Choice of Jacob Over Esau - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 22: The Faith of Jacob and Joseph - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 15: Abraham's Faith and Sacrifice - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 20: Joseph's Trials and God's Provision - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 14: Sodom and Gomorrah - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 12: God's Covenant With Noah - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
1 month agoDay 38: The Sabbath and Appointed Feasts - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 10: Jesus, Our Soon-Coming King! - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
2 months agoDay 11: Noah and the Flood - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year
1 month agoDay 31: The Glory of the New Covenant - Read the Bible in a Year - NIVThe Bible is Alive! - Bible in a Year